Monday, September 28, 2009


check out my photobucket update. We went to this amazingly beautiful and huge temple nestled on the bottom of the hill. there was a stone staircase leading to a wonderful hiking trail on the hills. we followed the trail which lead us to a great view of the city, and taipei 101.
i got a bug bite from that hike.

I'm doing so many things that the idea of documenting everything feels so overwhelming!!!! I have a journal. I've been here for almost a month and i have only written 2 entries. I feel bad about that....i need to get on it! i love to read back on journals that i have kept and have devoted time into recording entries.

anywho- i'm meeting amazing people here from all over the world. i have forming friendships that will hopefully last a life time. at least i know i have friends that will happily welcome me if i visit taiwan again, china, vietnam or bolivia! haha. we discovered this awesome outdoor shopping area ( there are a million in taipei, but this one was particularly special). it kind of reminded me of universal city walk b/c it had streets that is only open for cars.

We ate at this fantastic restaurant called the Modern Toilet. Yes, we ate at a toilet themed restaurant!!!!! awesome-ness! i actually saw this on TV a couple of years ago. i think they said one is located in tokyo. But the one we went to is the original Modern Toilet.
EVERYTHING in the restaurant is bathroom related. Food is served in a toilet, drinks in urinals. It's great! My friends and i (14 of poly people and NTUST people) had a great time eating there....and taking photos ...haha.

Here's the Link to Modern Toilet...i'm definitely going to take my mom there when she comes to visit me in Taipei:

On saturday i went biking on this wonderful bike trail adjacent to the river in taipei. the trail is about a 15 min bike ride from my school. i went with my new NTUST friends. we borrowed bikes from their friends. it was so much fun! the trail was beautiful. it's like this huge park that has a bunch of grassy areas, tennis/badminton/ basketball's a very long trail that goes for miles. it was a perfect day. it was slightly over-cast and breezy. so nice. we had to bike through some of the major streets in Taipei and through a night busy!!!! i almost crashed into people about a million times. but it was fun :-)
i never bike at home, so my skills of maneuvering around people, scooters, cars and other bicyclist needs a lot of work!
I'm looking forward to the next time we all go biking.
however, b/c I'm not use to sitting on a small and hard seat for long periods of time, my butt has been hurting for a couple of days! haha.....

till next time...............


Unknown said...

love the toilets, and i can't believe that you have only written in your journal twice, that is sad, you should be writing in it every night. -_-ll

Kim said...

Asians have a sick sense of humor if they can eat out of toilet bowls. Asians :(