Wednesday, October 7, 2009

can't sleep.............

..i've been going to sleep super late and waking up super late......i've never been that way!

i'm craving warm pita bread, stuffed with fetta cheese and basil...and dipped in hummus...mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! so good! yum.

went running today on the track with some was raining lightly...we still ran. it was about 10pm. quite nice! it's not cold at all (well, for me at least). the track is adjacent to keelong drive. this is one of the main streets in taipei. the equivalent of barton rd...but way busier. it goes on for miles and miles.

anywho- it's much better to go running at 10:30 because there are less cars and the exhaust smell is much lighter. i definitely don't want to be inhaling all of that exhaust from the cars/scooters and buses while i'm running.

one lap = 200m.......or was it 100m... i don't remember! i'm guessing that 8 laps= 1 mile. i should do the math.

people here don't really work out. the guys love to play basket starting at around 5pm, the basketball courts and tennis courts get really busy. but the girls here don't work out. i've heard some of them say they don't want to get skinnier, or they don't want to have buff legs or strange. one of my friends thinks that if she does crunches once a week, her stomach will get flatter and buffer...i was like..girlfriend, if that really did happen- i would have a great body-- it takes SO much more effort to actually loose weight and get toned.....some ppl here lack basic knowledge of being physically fit. fortunately, for them, they don't need to know much- they're all naturally skinny!!!! ( and yet some still think they are fat...pretty sad).

it seems that no matter where i am in the world, i always, on a regular basis, run into these ideas of how a person should look:: they must be pretty, skinny, have nice skin, have nice clothes...........this mentality exists everywhere! i thought this was more of a U.S. seems to be human nature. people care too much about stupid things like that. they need to chill out!

oh- and whenever i say i'm from the U.S., people get very interested....the other day marie and i were at the cafeteria, and these 2 girls came up to us. they asked if we were from the U.S. and if they could talk to us and "be our friends"...hehe.. so cute! we were, unfortunately, running late for our class and told them we most definitely would the next time we see them. i felt kind of bad....but we were seriously going to be late for studio if we didn't leave at that moment. AND- it was the first day of studio, too.
i still feel bad tho.....i really hope i bump into them at the cafeteria. well, even if i did- i wouldn't recognize them- so, hopefully they'll come up to me again!

still craving hummus................................

OH! if you would like me to try some sort of food...or do something here in taiwan and share it with you guys on this blog, Please leave a comment! i hope i get interesting requests! :-)

i should try to fall asleep.


p.s...Leona Lewis' second album "Echo" comes out in November!!! i would be so excited if it was released in Taiwan the same time. i'm hesitant to believe that it will................well, that's one Christmas gift i definitely want! ;-)


Unknown said...

all I have to say is wow ...
- go to the bathhouse (its a must)
- eat something that you would never ever EVER eat (something that looks gross)
- Jian-Gwa weekend flower market - In the intersection of Jian-Gwa S Rd and Zen-I Rd (check it out if you have time or it's not to far)

Kim said...

keelong drive sounds very much like kellogg drive. Coincidence?

raul colunga said...

do you have the opportunity to try their subway system? How are you getting to the other city? I thought i read once there are high speed trains in Taiwan.