Saturday, October 3, 2009

it's been a month!!

hello there!

So, it's been one month since I have been here in Taipei! It went by so fast! I wonder if my other classmates from Cal Poly that are also studying abroad felt that their first month went by smoothly and quickly.

Today is Moon Festival!!!!! I don't really know what we're suppose to do today. I know that people go home during Moon Festival.....i should have booked a ticket back to L.A. darn.

Yesterday (friday) was our first day of studio! We got our assignment, and we are going to design a baseball stadium this quarter! That's pretty awesome. The Taiwanese are obsessed with baseball, so it seems suitable. Our first assignment from our teacher was to go to a baseball game that night, and to analysis the building, experience how people interact, and study spacial blah blah blah blah.........Whatever!--- that game was so awesome! It was Lions vs Elephants. This was my first time going to a baseball game ever, so it was pretty exciting. We sat on the side of the stadium that was rooting for the Lions. Elephants were the home team. The Lions got MURDERED by the Elephants. Oh-man. 3-0. So bad! (in the animal kingdom, a elephant would never attack a lion, btw)
Other than that major loss, the people were so enthusiastic, there were drums, horns, people were chanting their team's name, everyone knew the cheers and the hand was great!
SO fun. I had a coke and a mini individual pizza from pizza hut.
It didn't rain either! Which was perfect. Supposedly there's going to be a typhoon- but one thing i have learned, is that the weathermen here aren't very accurate when it comes to Taipei getting affected by these typhoons. There's suppose to be one going right rain whatsoever.

Well, we're gonna do sight analysis today for the location of my our baseball stadium....

till next time.........

I got featured on this plasma screen 3 times! haha....i kept waving my arms....;-)


Unknown said...

hehehe you said "sight analysis" and you meant "site analysis" hehe

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I saw a game in Beijing and some of the cheers they had going were amazing. I hear the best though are those in Japan.

niloudesign said...

Hey Nicole! Its great to see that you are going through such amazing experience. I am really glad for you! see you soon!
Nilu :)