Friday, October 16, 2009

travelling, and randomness.

random photos from the last few days...including a couple of buildings i visited that was part of this architecture conference that was going on at my school, the flowers are from the conference- we got to take a bouquet back to our dorm!! our dorm smells of flowers. :-)
oh- i got that scarf....zebra print with sparkles- anyone who knows me knows that i like animal print (as u can see by the photo above).

tomorrow morning (suuuuuuuuuuper early in the morning) we are leaving to go to Kaohsiung.. it's a city in south western taiwan. it's the 2nd largest city in taiwan. it's on the ocean side!! we're gonna see water and mountains! wooohoo! i haven't seen that in a while.

TODAY marks the 6th week that i have been in taipei. it's so great to live in a city!!! so convenient, there's stores and food and people everywhere. it's great! i definitely would like to study abroad again for my masters. that would be great! :-)
being a student really brings amazing opportunities that would not have been given to me so easily if i was not a student.

this photo is a reminder of what i see every night in taipei (well, when i'm off campus and not doing homework)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Update! (Happy Halloween by the way)