Thursday, September 17, 2009

done with the german class!!!

so, today is officially the last day of this 2-week historical restoration architecture course taught by this german from berlin...who happens to speak perfect english. the final project is due today....class starts in 2 1/2 hours and i've got my drawings/renderings/paper printed already. there's a printing center a few feet away from my dormitory building. wonderful Cindy helped us out to get our stuff printed since we are unable to communicate all the printing details in chinese. it doesn't even matter what country i am in...printing is always slightly stressful for me, and the process of getting stuff printed takes a long time EVERYWHERE!.......unless u go to that one Staple's near lissette's house.

the project is about "modernizing" this 47 year old Berlin home. The house itself is in perfect condition. The owner wants a bedroom, bathroom and study/library to be added to the house. other than set backs and floor area ratio, we are free to do anything we want. so, me being me, of course i had to do a curve and NOT do a second story. so, here are my plan/floorplan/cross section/southern elevation/renderings......

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