Tuesday, September 15, 2009

my stomach isn't so happy with me right now.................

yep, so it is now the time to give my stomach a rest from all the asian-ness that i am consuming....Taiwanese food is oily/has a lot of spices/ and incorporates anything that is edible in their food...............it's sooo good... but my stomach is not happy w/ me.
so, today i just had crackers and bread and water........it was pretty hard to resist all the yumminess surrounding me. but it was worth it. i'm feeling better and i'm going to have the same diet tomorrow.

so, school officially starts tomorrow. I'm taking a Yoga class that is in Chinese! oh man- I'll keep u guys posted of how that turns out!.....(luckily my roommate is taking this class w/ me).

Whenever I walk by myself on campus (which i have done probably only once b/c i am always with my cal poly classmates) i get a huge increase in stares and whispers........they need to get out more often...i'm not the only white girl in town!

It's still humid here. We had a couple of nice breezy days, but it's been raining at night for the past couple of days, so the humidity is back on! :-(
I am definitely not a tropical girl.

Thank God our room has free air conditioning! If we lived in the regular dorms, as opposed to the 2 people a room post-doc dorms that we are staying in right now, we would have to pay for the A.C. and split it among the 5 other girls that lived in that small room.
I have yet to go inside the girl's dormitory and check out their rooms. I will ask my NTUST friend to take me to her dorm.

So, tomorrow a film crew is coming to my historical preservation class (taught by a German man from Berlin who speaks perfect English) and will film us b/c they're doing something about international students at NTUST......i'll gonna wear something cute!

I'm working on this project right now.....i'll upload the final design once i'm done (it's due thursday which is the last day of this 2-week 4 unit course that we are taking).

alrighty-- i'm gonna shower and then go to bed...8:30 am yoga tomorrow....We need to get a yoga mat!


My awesome water bottle from the 7/11 convenience store (they are all over Taipei, this one happens to be located on campus)....Awesome b/c it has spongebob on it!

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