Monday, October 5, 2009

is that you, typhoon?

okay- so ever since i've been here, the weatherman has been saying that there's going to be a typhoon in taipei. there are typhoons going on in the Philippines and it's moving towards taiwan....

we've been getting heavy rain this week, and today it was windy all, there might be a typhoon............i'm hesitant to believe it.
OH! wow---i just saw a series of huge and bright lightening...and it started to rain a little. i didn't leave my dorm today-- i didn't want to get swept away!!...well, i actually was concerned about my hair getting frizzy....

OMG!, i experienced something yesterday that i've always wanted to experience. so, this past year i took a structures class. all year we talked about lateral loads and how buildings are designed to be flexible to absorb the load's energy. And- yesterday, there was an earthquake and i was in my dorm room!! YES! i live on the top floor of my dormitory building: 15th floor. The building was so cool. I was actually taking a shower, and the towels that were hanging on the wall started to sway-- a noticeable sway...and i felt the movement..i thought i was imagining it b/c i've never felt anything like that...but it was way cool!! i prefer a sway to a jerking movement from being on the ground or second floor of a building during an earthquake.

Today there was a mini-earthquake. A light sway. I want to be on the 90th floor in Taipei 101 during an earthquake (floors 91-101 are not open to the public). I feel so safe in that building, i would love to experience its flexibility. especially, as an architect, it is so important to get first-hand experience of how these buildings perform during different weather conditions like earthquakes, storms, typhoons- strong winds & intense rain, explosions (unfortunately), fire, extreme heat/humidity, and extremely cold climates.

such a responsibility rests on the shoulders of architects, engineers, contractors, construction workers, and the companies producing structural members/building skins/HVAC systems/Mechanical systems...and the list goes on.........................

well, it's 2:10 AM...i'm listening to Leona Lewis' album called 'Spirit'...I love her!! she's been around for over a year- but i'm just really slow when it comes to keeping up with music and having a diverse music cal poly peeps and a couple of NTUST peeps are here....they're talking, i'm blogging.......

today was a completely chill day. i just hung out and i needed my alone time. i was a little home sick today..but i'm better now!

oh, and thanks for reading my blog! you have already noticed, this blog is very informal...i don't capitalize and my grammar isn't least i attempt to keep up with my blog!

till next time.................toodles..............

p.s..i was bored so i did some photoshopping..........


Pat said...

Thanks.....and BTW, got your postcard yesterday. Glad you're having such a wonderful time. The time will fly by and before you know you'll be wondering where it went. Enjoy!!

Unknown said...

don't be home sick ... its not good for your complexion and makes your hair frizzy.

Kim said...

grammar police telling you things are a-O.K. :o)