Wednesday, October 14, 2009

question for my studio design................

in my previous post i mentioned that i am designing a baseball stadium for my design studio here at, i would like to know, from ur personal experience of a baseball game, what did you like/not like about the facility? if you have never been to a baseball game, then think about any other stadiums that you have visited or concert halls.

also, if you could add anything to the building, or the site to be more ppl friendly (gathering spaces/retail/hotel/etc....) what would you like?

i'm sure u get my drift.............please leave a comment....oh--the budget: all the money in the sustainable features.

xie xie.

this is a google earth image of the site.
it's across the street North from Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall:

close up's the whole block. there are some existing buildings on the site. i have yet to figure out what they are used for. the security guard at the site would not let us in. :-( BUMMER!!


Unknown said...

there is always the issue of not knowing where to go after the game. I like eating after a game.

jpbullfrog said...

One thing I see taking shape in some places are music venues to try and get people to come earlier to the stadium. Also, making sure the seating extends around the entire stadium, including the outfield.

Kim said...

sneak in at night