Sunday, November 29, 2009


ni hao!!

as of right now, i'm finishing up my studio project (the baseball stadium)'s due this friday!!..........i'm using Revit for this project.

i've been using Archicad for the past 2 years and it was time to learn a better program!.

i had an amazing thanksgiving.....marie and i wondered all over taipei to get everything ready. we found apple and pumpkin pie!

the family: lang, lily, melissa, cindy, me, marie, michael, josh, kenny

i was the DJ: xmas music galore!!!

me and marie preparing the food.

those little things are egg tarts from KFC. and of course, pumpkin and apple pie. we got the pies from this western bakery called Florida Bakery.

menu: salad, roasted chicken/corn/deep fried corn/ corn soup from KFC. baguettes and cheese. we ate in the dormitory lounge area.

this was as close as we could get to a legit thanksgiving dinner w/out a kitchen!

time for a toast.

oh, lang. children


Unknown said...

Excellent dinner! Sorry I was not there with you all as one of the family member. Keep up your good work, and show the Pomona Power! Happy belated Thanksgiving! See you all soon! -Dr. Hofu Wu

L to the or said...

good stuff nicole! great pictures, especially the one with my tongue sticking out..haha. looking forward to your blog!
